I think writing is a bit like painting. You first make a sketch. Then you add some collor. You need to let it dry for a while. Then you take another look at it and add some more collors.
I've had two lazy, rainy weeks. I didn't feel like doing anything at all. I stayed in bed longer then I had to. When I wasn't in bed, I played games on my pc or read a book. I let the dust collect on the furniture, but I did take the time to cook. Being unemployed makes my mood go up and down. This week I wanted a fresh start. It took some days to get adjusted, but my bathroom is clean and I didn't ignore the alarm clock this morning.
For my etsy shop, I finished a collection. The sky has been to cloudy to photograph the products. I hope the sun will shine tomorrow. And for my book... I will write again today, but have decided to 'sketch' a little more first and add the collors in a later stadium.